Art You Need to Experience High at Least One Time In Your Life



Art has the power to evoke emotions, spark creativity, and transport us to different worlds. And when combined with weed, the experience can become even more profound and surreal. Experiencing art that engages all your senses when you’re high can enhance your perception and allow you to see things from a unique perspective. Here are some art installations and experiences that you absolutely must see at least once in your life, preferably high.

James Turrell - The Inside Light, 1999
James Turrell is a master of manipulating light and space to create immersive environments that challenge our perceptions. "The Inside Light" is an installation in Museum of Fine Art Houston that invites you to experience light as a tangible substance, something you can almost touch. As you navigate through the elevated walkway, the interplay of colors and forms becomes even more mesmerizing and all the more tempting to fall into the installation. The experience of being enveloped in radiant hues and shifting patterns will leave you questioning the boundaries between reality and illusion.

Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirror Rooms
Yayoi Kusama's Infinity Mirror Rooms are a dreamlike exploration of infinite space and pattern. These mirrored installations create the illusion of endless reflections, with each reflection becoming a part of the artwork itself. The combination of Kusama's intricate patterns and the sensation of boundless space can induce a sense of wonder that is amplified when you're in a heightened state. The repetitive patterns seem to dance and vibrate, blurring the lines between the observer and the observed.

Olafur Eliasson - Beauty, 1993
Olafur Eliasson's "Beauty" is a dynamic installation that plays with light, water, and color to create a breathtaking visual experience. Water droplets hang in the air like glistening jewels, refracting and reflecting light to create a dazzling spectacle. Contained to a small dark room, this installation becomes an unforgettable, intimate experience of all your senses. You feel, smell and hear cool water droplets – and when you’re high, that sensation of being surrounded by suspended particles of light can feel almost ethereal. Something you should definitely experience for yourself.

Mona Hatoum - Impenetrable, 2009
Mona Hatoum's "Impenetrable" is an installation that engages with concepts of confinement and openness. Comprising a series of intertwined metal wires, the installation creates a visually complex yet physically impenetrable barrier. You have to circumvent the installation, letting your mind piece together the gridded pattern Hatoum has expertly devised. Exploring this installation while high can lead to a profound exploration of the boundaries we construct in our lives, both literal and metaphorical. The metal wires might take on new meanings, symbolizing the intricate structures we build around ourselves.

Visiting Dia Beacon - It’s Worth the Pilgrimage
If you're truly looking to immerse yourself in an array of mind-bending artworks, Dia Beacon is a destination that should be on your list. Located in Beacon, New York, this contemporary art museum is home to a diverse collection of minimalist and conceptual art. The spacious galleries and carefully curated installations provide the perfect setting to explore the intersections of art and altered consciousness. The serene surroundings and thought-provoking art can create an atmosphere conducive to deep contemplation and self-discovery.

These art installations and experiences are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to experiential art that’s awaiting you. Whether it's the mesmerizing play of light, the infinite reflections of mirrored rooms, or the contemplation of intricate structures, exploring these artworks while high can be a transformative journey into the depths of your own perception and imagination.


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